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God never intended Christians to live in isolation, sealed in our own private, stained-glass bubbles. You were designed for intimate, productive relationships—to know and be known. To find support when you fall and comfort when you hurt. To fit in, to be needed, to be used of God. To accomplish, as part of a tight-knit organism, what you could never hope to alone.

That’s The Body Dynamic. The church of Jesus Christ is a gospel-living organism, each part joined together and moving in harmony to strengthen its members and bring light to a dark world.

John MacArthur offers biblical hope for times when you wrestle with who you are in Christ and how you fit into His plans for His people. Encouraging, insightful, and thoroughly applicable, The Body Dynamic marks the path toward a stronger, unified, love-filled, world-transforming church.

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Unleashing God’s Truth, One Verse at a Time
Since 1969


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Unleashing God’s Truth, One Verse at a Time
Since 1969
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Unleashing God’s Truth, One Verse at a Time
Since 1969
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Unleashing God’s Truth, One Verse at a Time
Since 1969