Our culture has made submission a dirty word. Any talk of authority or submission in marriage is routinely rejected. Even professing believers sometimes squirm at such language. However, the Bible is clear about the roles of husbands and wives - and that submission isn't merely a one-way street. So what does it mean to be subject to one another? How does God's Word describe and define the union between spouses?
John MacArthur answers these questions by laying out God's design for husbands and wives in Mutual Submission in Marriage. This practical booklet attacks common misconceptions and will help you cultivate a marriage that pleases Christ.
Christians have been called to be salt and light in this rotting and dark society, and this foundational institution is a pivotal feature of your testimony to the watching world. Gain Scripture's insight into how to have a Christ-like marriage, and learn how to apply God's prescriptions for a blessed and fruitful married life.