Born again is a term you probably know well. Drawn from Christ’s clandestine conversation with Nicodemus, the phrase has featured prominently in evangelical conversation for decades—we even sometimes use it to delineate between nominal Christians and true believers.
However, many Christians don’t seem to understand the point of Jesus’ analogy. Some even misinterpret it in ways that directly contradict His meaning. When faced with the question of how to become born again, too many are quick to recommend a rote prayer or a series of steps to follow. They don’t realize that such instructions reflect the very doctrinal error that Christ was confronting in the first place. That same error pervades the church today, skewing much of gospel preaching and muddying the truth of God’s regenerating work. For the church to proclaim the true gospel, we need to recover and faithfully uphold what it actually means to be born again.
In You Must Be Born Again, John MacArthur examines the source of a familiar—but often misunderstood—phrase, and gets to the heart of God’s regenerating work in His people.