Cultivating the discernment that comes from a biblical worldview has never been more vital. But whether it’s parenting, manhood and womanhood, success, self-esteem, racial reconciliation, church leadership, ministry, philosophy, or something else, the message that bombards believers is always the same: The Bible isn’t sophisticated enough to equip you for life today; you need some other insight, some other framework to help you interpret the world.
In this concise booklet, John MacArthur examines the Bible’s own case for the sufficiency of Scripture—and demonstrates why it’s so important to honor God’s Word as both the foundation and the final authority for everything you hold true. You’ll come away convinced that God Himself has spoken in His Word, and motivated to cultivate a richly biblical worldview for yourself.
Triumph over the age-old temptation to mistrust what God has said, and cultivate a worldview that’s founded on the truth of His all-sufficient Word.