What is most amazing about the disciples is that Jesus ever selected them at all: among them a handful of common fishermen, a hated tax collector, and an impulsive political zealot. They weren’t the stained-glass saints we imagine. As John MacArthur puts it, they were a bunch of regular guys. Weak, prone to mistakes, remarkably unremarkable, and 100% human. Simply said, they were like us.
But under Jesus’ teaching and touch, they became a force that forever changed the world.
In his new book Twelve Ordinary Men, John MacArthur takes you into the inner circle of the disciples—their selection, their training, their personalities, their impact. As you get to know the men who walked with Jesus, you’ll see that if He can accomplish His purposes through them, He can do the same through you.
Hardcover: 200 pages
Publisher: W Publishing Group, A Division of Thomas Nelson
Language: English
ISBN: 0849917735
Product Dimensions: 6.5 x 0.75 x 9.5 inche