Conversion. It's the most significant event in any believer's life. Your sins are forgiven, your perspective remade, and your priorities shifted for good.
But conversion isn't the end. It marks the beginning of a journey—one fraught with potential detours and pitfalls. To make sure you stay on course, you need a map—one that will show you not only where you are going but precisely how you should get there.
In Welcome to the Family, John MacArthur helps equip believers with fundamental, getting-started truth. It's ideal for any Christian who needs to grasp the basics of following Christ—a brand new-believer, a more experienced brother or sister looking to fill in some gaps, or even a mature Christian who just needs a reminder.
Hardcover: 127 pages
Publisher: Nelson Books
Language: English
ISBN: 0785263489
Product Dimensions: 5.25 x 0.5 x 7.25 inches