Two books. One volume. One low price.
The Vanishing Conscience and Hard to Believe are two of John’s most important books for unraveling culture-driven perceptions of moral accountability and the demands of the gospel.
Influenced by the spirit of the age, many have learned to flee moral responsibility at any cost. People live in perpetual denial, blaming others for their own sins and never facing the fact of personal guilt before a holy God. Their consciences harden as they drift away from the only path to peace and freedom.
Sadly, those who heed the accusations of an awakened conscience often hear an “easy” gospel from today’s evangelical pulpits. The “Jesus” they meet in many churches is little more than a well-mannered sage or life coach, someone who will help them be more moral and live their best lives now.
Bottom line: John MacArthur dissects the current cultural message and finds it wanting. He returns to the Bible to find out what it really says about the human condition (The Vanishing Conscience) and to learn what Jesus really said about the gospel, God’s solution to our deepest need (Hard to Believe).