The most profound reality for every believer is a relationship with Jesus Christ. He is our Savior, our teacher, and our friend. But the Bible teaches that at the most basic level Jesus is our Lord, our Master, which means we are His slaves.
Peruse most Bible translations and it’s easy to miss that crucial reality. That’s because many find the notion of slavery to be a cruel and embarrassing concept. John MacArthur’s new book, Slave, uncovers the conspiracy, bringing the doctrine of our slavery to Christ to its proper place in our thinking.
Embrace for yourself what the Bible really teaches about slavery—your relationship with Jesus Christ will never be the same.
Praise for Slave
John MacArthur expertly and lucidly explains that Jesus frees us from bondage into a royal slavery that we might be His possession. Those who would be His children must, paradoxically, be willing to be His slaves.
Dr. R.C. Sproul
So much of our Christian walk is focused on ‘self’—how will this trial refine my faith, improved my character, or fit into a pattern for my good? Often when believers speak of a personal Savior, they mean a Savior who is personally committed to their health, success, and life fulfillment. But such a view couldn’t be farther from the truth. In his new book, John MacArthur presents a powerfully riveting and truly eye-opening look at our relationship to the Lord Jesus. Want to rise to a new level of trust and confidence in your Master? Then this is the book for you!
Joni Eareckson Tada,
Joni and Friends
International Disability Center
Dr. John MacArthur is never afraid to tell the truth and in this book he does just that. The Christian’s great privilege is to be the slave of Christ. Dr. MacArthur makes it clear that his is one of the Bible’s most succinct ways of describing our discipleship. This is a powerful exposition of Scripture, a convincing, corrective to shallow Christianity, a masterful work of pastoral encouragement . . . a devotional classic.
Dr. R. Albert Mohler
President, The Southern Baptist Theological Seminary
Dr. John MacArthur’s teaching on ’slavery’ resonates in the deepest recesses of my ‘inner-man.’ As an African-American pastor, I have been there. That is why the thought of someone writing about slavery being a ‘God-send’ was the most ludicrous, unconscionable thing that I could have ever imagined . . . until I read this book. Now I see that becoming a slave is a biblical command, completely redefining the idea of freedom in Christ. I don’t want to simply be a ‘follower’ or even just a ‘servant’ . . . but a ‘slave.’
The Rev. Dr. Dallas H. Wilson Jr.
Vicar, St. John’s Episcopal Chapel
Charleston, South Carolina
Paperback: 288 pages
Publisher: Thomas Nelson; Reprint edition (November 5, 2012)
Language: English
ISBN: 978-1400204298