No matter how beautiful the exterior, a building can’t stand strong or long without the right support structure.
That’s also true of Christian character. It’s not the external behavior others see that makes or breaks your character. Lasting, uncompromising, world-changing Christian character finds it power in a handful of hidden, heart attitudes. Heart attitudes like humility, love, forgiveness, joy, faith, compassion, and contentment are the foundational pillars upon which character is built.
In The Pillars of Christian Character, John MacArthur provides an architect’s blueprint for building the kind of Christian life you’ve always wanted. This practical study takes you beneath the façade of mere behavior to examine the support structure of godly character.
Softcover: 208 pages
Publisher: Crossway Books
Language: English
ISBN: 0891079505
Product Dimensions: 5.5 x 0.5 x 8.5 inches