Here is a treasure trove of more than 50 electronic books, commentaries, study guides and daily devotions (more than $1,200 in print value) from John MacArthur’s forty-plus year ministry in expositional Bible teaching. With eBible™ technology, information that used to take hours to find, can now be done in minutes! Customize searches, word studies, prayer lists, and your own Bible reading plan. This product utilizes the power of the Libronix™ Digital Library System and is compatible with Microsoft Windows™.
Resources Included:
- Drawing Near
- First Love
- Hard to Believe
- How to Survive in a World of Unbelievers
- Safe in the Arms of God
- Saved Without a Doubt
- Strength for Today
- Successful Christian Parenting
- The Body Dynamic
- The Book on Leadership
- The Fulfilled Family
- The Only Way to Happiness: The Beatitudes
- The Master's Plan for the Church
- The Pillars of Christian Character
- The Power of Suffering
- The Truth War
- The Ultimate Priority
- The Vanishing Conscience*
- Truth for Today*
- Twelve Extraordinary Women
- Twelve Ordinary Men*
- Welcome to the Family
- What the Bible Says about Parenting
- Why Government Can't Save You
- 1 Timothy
- 2 Timothy
- Titus
Study Guides
- Hard to Believe Workbook
- The Truth War Study Guide
- Twelve Extraordinary Women Workbook
- Twelve Ordinary Men Workbook
Study Bibles
- The MacArthur Study Bible - revised
Bible Versions
- The New American Standard Version 1995 Edition
- The King James Version*
- The New King James Version*
Reference Titles
- A Heritage of Great Evangelical Teaching*
- Counseling: How to Counsel Biblically–Updated
- Matthew Henry's Complete Commentary*
- NASB 1995 Exhaustive Concordance: Hebrew-Aramaic-Greek Dictionary
- Nelson's 3-D Bible Mapbook*
- Nelson's New Christian Dictionary*
- Nelson’s New Illustrated Bible Commentary
- Nelson’s New Illustrated Bible Dictionary*
- New Strong's Dictionary of Hebrew & Greek Words*
- New Strong's Guide to Bible Words
- Pastoral Ministry: How to Shepherd Biblically–Updated
- Preaching: How to Preach Biblically–Updated
- The MacArthur Bible Handbook
- The MacArthur Topical Bible*
- The New Treasury of Scripture Knowledge*
- Strong’s Enhanced Lexicon*
- Tense, Voice, Mood Analysis of the Bible
- 100 Midi Hymns*
*This title was included in the original MacArthur LifeWorks Library.
Minimum Windows™ system requirements:
- 500MHz Pentium III (1GHz Pentium III recommended)
- 512MB RAM
- Windows™ 7/Vista/XP/2000/ME/98 including all Windows™ Updates
- CD-ROM or DVD drive
- 800x600 display (1024x768 recommended)
- Microsoft Internet Explorer 6.0 or later (Beta not supported)