What resources did John consult when he preached his series The Battle for the Beginning?
Since a number of listeners have asked that question, we compiled this list of the most significant resources John used.
A Commentary on the Book of Genesis, Part One, From Adam to Noah, by Umberto Cassuto (Magnes Press, Hebrew University: Jerusalem, 1978).
Creation and Change, by Douglas F. Kelly (Christian Focus: Fearn, Ross-shire, U.K., 1997).
Creation Evangelism for the New Millennium, by Ken Ham (Master Books: Green Forest, Ark., 1999).
The Creation of Life, by A. E. Wilder-Smith (The World for Today: Costa Mesa, Cal., 1970).
Darwin on Trial, by Philip Johnson (InterVarsity: Downers Grove, Ill., 1993).
Genesis for Today, by Andy McIntosh (Day One: Epsom, England, 1997).
The Genesis Record, by Henry M. Morris (Creation Life: San Diego, 1976).
In the Beginning, by Walt Brown (Center for Scientific Creation: Phoenix) 1995.
It's A Young World After All, by Paul D. Ackerman (Baker: Grand Rapids, 1986).
The Long War Against God, by Henry M. Morris (Baker, Grand Rapids, 1989).
Reason in the Balance, by Philip Johnson (InterVarsity: Downers Grove, Ill., 1995).
- The Scientific Alternative to Neo-Darwinian Evolutionary Theory, by A. E. Wilder-Smith (The World for Today: Costa Mesa, Cal., 1987).