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You believe that Christ has granted to you “everything pertaining to life and godliness” (2 Pet. 1:3). But we navigate a complex, modern world. Couldn’t you augment your ability to live wisely by heeding a self-help guru’s keys to success, or following a spiritual advisor who promises to make your Christian walk more vivid and experiential?
The young Colossian church was facing the same types of questions when the apostle Paul wrote to them. He soundly affirmed that they had Christ—so they needed nothing more, be that high-brow philosophy, religious mysticism, legalism, or asceticism. John MacArthur exposits Scripture’s own defense of the believer’s full and sufficient provision in Christ—even when the world is clamoring otherwise, and when you feel woefully inadequate. Join him to learn why you, as a believer, are wholly Complete in Christ.