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Mention the sovereignty of God and questions often come to mind that we are reluctant to think about. much less ask about: Why - and on what basis - did God choose to save some people. yet not others? How can God hold people responsible for rejecting Him when it is He who ultimately chooses who will be saved?
Those questions demonstrate why the sovereignty of God is one of Scripture's greatest enigmas. Yet God's sovereignty is also one of the most blessed. enriching and comforting truths for you to understand. In Putting God in His Place: The Case for Sovereign Choice. John MacArthur sheds light on one of the most misunderstood attributes of God. Using the nation of Israel - Scripture's predominant example of sovereign choice - as its starting point. this study examines God's absolute freedom and authority to determine the course of redemptive history. It also provides answers to some of the most asked questions about divine choice and its role in salvation.