This article is also available and sold as a booklet.
God created it, sin corrupted it, Hollywood and Madison Avenue have made a killing off it. Sex is probably one of the most talked about, written about topics around. When enjoyed as God designed, it’s a wonderful human experience. When we go against God’s design, it can destroy families, careers, ministries, and literally kill.
So, in a day when you can hardly glance at a billboard without being confronted by unwholesome images, how do you stay pure? Is cutting yourself off from all media the key to overcoming temptation? What can and should you do to know victory over sexual sin?
In Sexual Survival in an Age of Temptation, John MacArthur helps you understand and apply the standards God has established for your thoughts and behavior in the area of sexual sin. This study can help you strengthen your commitment to purity and to overcoming sexual temptation.